
Alumni Corner: Rachael Anacker
November 21, 2022
This month we’re catching up with Rachael Anacker, who sang in Intermediate Choir, Concert Choir, and Chamber Singers from 2004 – 2011. Rachael is now a human resources professional in New York City, where’s she’s lived—and performed—for the last seven years.
Do you have any fond memories of song in your early life?
When I was 3 years old, the American Boychoir came to Redlands (where I lived) and sang a concert. My parents bought several CDs and I loved singing along with them. I was so enamored that I dreamed of running away from home and joining them for years! Naturally, when we visited American Boy Choir on the 2011 East Coast Tour, I felt like I had come full circle.
How did you first get involved with LACC?
I heard about LACC through Diana Landis, who is good friends with my mom. I remember attending the Brazil Send-Off concert right after I got into LACC and I felt so excited that I had finally found my people!
What is a favorite memory, tour, or concert experience with LACC?
Gosh, there are too many to choose from. The Italy tour in 2006 was my first tour with Concert Choir, and I think singing at the Vatican is one of my favorite memories. Getting to sing in Beethoven Symphony No. 9 with Gustavo Dudamel at the Hollywood Bowl was incredible too!
How did LACC help prepare you for your current career in human resources?
At LACC, I learned to do everything with excellence, and how to work together to make something beautiful. Onboarding is certainly much different than choral music, but I feel like I use those skills every single day!
Are You Still Singing? What Else Are You Up to Now?
I am still singing! I sang in two operas this year, Pirates of Penzance (Mabel) and The Magic Flute (Queen of the Night). I also coordinate the chamber music series at Central Presbyterian Church, where I sing in the choir, and I am coordinating and singing in Handel’s Messiah there this December.
Do you have any advice for current LACC choristers?
Enjoy every minute. I still look back on LACC as some of the best moments of my childhood and honestly of my life. Getting to make incredible music with your friends is such a privilege and you will carry those memories with you forever.
What’s your favorite song?
It’s very hard to choose, but I would say “Dona Nobis Pacem” by Paul Gibson.
How has your experience as a performer prepared you for where you are now?
LACC got me started in performing, which I still do now! Outside of that, it has taught me to be flexible, to think on my feet, and has given me confidence in public speaking and leadership.
What does LACC mean to you?
Honestly, LACC means the world to me. Joining LACC was one of the best things that ever happened to me and I certainly would not be where I am in life without that experience. I am forever grateful to all the conductors, pianists, teachers, coaches, administrative staff, and parents who made it such an incredible experience!