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星期五, 12月 9 and 星期日, 12月 11, 2022 at 7:30 PM
Pasadena Presbyterian Church


Enjoy music from six of LACC’s highly-regarded ensembles, back in person for our annual Winter Concerts. 


On 星期五, 12月 9 at 7:30 p.m., Apprentice Choir, Concert Choir (singing selections from their full repertoire), Chamber Singers, and Chorale will perform. And on 星期日, 12月 11 at 7:30 p.m., Intermediate Choir, Concert Choir (singing their full repertoire), and Young Men’s Ensemble will perform. 


Please note: Every attendee will be required to wear a mask at all times while inside the venue, however, proof of vaccination is no longer required for entry to the concert.


Los Angeles Children’s Chorus (LACC), one of the world’s leading children’s choirs, celebrates the holidays with its annual Winter Concerts, Hope for Resolution,  More than 300 choristers will take to the stage at Pasadena Presbyterian Church to celebrate the joy of music and song. We hope you can join us!


"我怎么能不唱歌呢?"这是两年来LACC合唱团推出的第一个完整节目,"艺术总监Fernando Malvar-Ruiz说。"节目包括弗朗茨-舒伯特、兰德尔-汤普森、J.S.巴赫等人的作品,这些不拘一格的歌曲的共同点是庆祝我们重返现场演唱,我们合唱团成员的坚韧不拔,以及共同创造音乐的纯粹快乐。


Malvar-Ruiz指挥LACC的音乐会合唱团、室内歌手和SATB合唱团、合唱团;副艺术总监Mandy Brigham领导中级合唱团;Eric Lifland领导学徒合唱团;Steven Kronauer博士指挥青年男子合唱团。 这些合唱团分别和联合演出。


Concert tickets range from $29 to $51 for adults, and $14.50 to $25.50 for children under 18. 


如需无障碍座位,请联系Jared Clark,jclark@lachildrenschorus.org 或(626) 793-4231转117。